630-484-2336 ben@bedo.org

Many of you know that I host the amazing Coaching Skills Forum calls (www.coachingskillsforum.com) but did you also know that for the last 8 years I’ve been also hosting another similar series called “The Core Competency calls” in partnership with the ICF-Chicago chapter.


You see, where the coaching skills forum explores isolated and specific components of our coaching like “Metaphor” and “Reframing” and “Articulating”in a deep, engaging and sometimes provocative conversation, the Core Comp Calls explore… well, exactly that.  Our 11 ICF Core Competencies.

And the conversations are AMAZING.  Don’t believe me?  Then check out this latest call we had yesterday on DIRECT COMMUNICATION.

And then mark your calendar for every first Wednesday (which means the next one is April 6) for another scintilating discussion.

I’ll see you there.

(Oh, and you can listen to archived recordings and get CCEUS as well.  But the calls are all free for all coaches to enjoy, learn and grow.  So visit www.icf-chicago.org and check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.)