The Coaching Skills Forum CCEUs
The Coaching Skills Forum calls are approved by the ICF for 1.0 CCEU and you can have as many as you dare to get.
Great! How do we do this?
Well, you might notice quickly that this structure is a little different than other CCEU calls out there. First off, there is no password before or after the call, but somewhere in the middle. We do this to encourage you to join in and actively participate in the forum instead of switching on the “mute” button and going through your email or Jazzersize.
“Really? Jazzersize? Who still does that?”
Well, in any event, whatever you would normally do while on mute, we’d rather you be on the call with us.
“Well, of course, I would do that anyway.”
Good. You’ll be extra glad you did because these calls are incredibly exciting, and there will be many times when you’ll likely want to jump in and participate.
“I just may do that. But back to how I get those credits.”
Certainly. Well, once the call is over, come back to this page and you’ll see there are a couple of links below you can choose from. You see, the calls are free for all coaches to learn and grow from, but if you want CCEUs for this, then you need to pay for them.
Simply select the payment option that you prefer–either a single purchase (which you can do as many as you want) or a 6-month membership that allows access to unlimited CCEUs for the duration of your membership. Please note that as we are handling many different certificates and we are issuing them manually, so please be patient and allow 24 hours for your credits to arrive.
Single Credit Purchase
Purchase a single credit as many times as you want using the button below. Make sure you include the date of the call/recording, the skill/topic and the password in your submission.
Six Month CCEU Package
Load up on as many LIVE Core Comp and Recording Self-Study credits as you can over the next six (6) months.
Just pay once and the rest is easy.
(Then you can use the button over to the right to request your credits)
Request your Six Month CCEU’s
If you’re already a 6 month package holder, simply use this form to request your credits.
Please include all the requested information to make is easy.
Redeem your Membership Points for CCEUs
If you are a PICK UP POWERFUL STUFF subscriber, then you’re accumulating points that you can redeem for CCEUs
Please include all the requested information to make is easy.
Important Recording Information!
ICF allows up to 16 “Resource Learning/ Self-Study” credits, so you can pick your favorite 16 recordings and get credit for listening to them. I’m going to appeal to your integrity and coaching professionalism and ask that you refrain from simply passively listening while doing email or something else and then claiming all these credits.
The whole purpose for the renewal process is to call coaches forth to continually grow and deepen our coaching skills and development.
That’s why they call them Continuing Coach EDUCATION Units. So instead of looking at this as a “live” and “recorded” call conversation, let’s look at it as an Active and Passive Listening experience. So my only request (as I would have if you were on the actual call) is that you “actively listen” to the recordings.