630-484-2336 ben@bedo.org

MasterFull YOU on your own

Want to join the Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching, but not quite yet?

Look, I know it’s not because you aren’t committed to your coaching.  It’s more likely there are just some obstacles that are currently in your way.

  • You schedule doesn’t allow to join the class at this time
  • Funds and finances are prohibitive
  • You’re currently have other commitments that you’re focusing on
  • Or maybe you’re just not sure if the Fast Pass to MasterFull coaching is right for you.

So how about this?  You’ve got a few options to really make this easy and to address all those issues and STILL grow your coaching in exciting ways.

A) The MasterFull You 150-Day eChallenge.

There were so many exciting exercises, insights and lessons that just didn’t fit into the Full Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching Advanced Coach training, I created 20 mini, but powerful, lessons for Advanced and MasterFull Coaching.It follows the same basic coach development outline as the Fast Pass class, but covers the topic/skill from a different angle, digs into a deeper insight and sometimes just adds special extra learning.  A new lesson arrives in your email every week for you to print out, fill out, and watch your coaching grow.

.Here are some of the lessons included:

Lesson #1: Are You A 100% Coach? – Exploring just what that means, and how to bring your 100% each and every time.

Lesson #2: What Is A MasterFull Coach? –  This is not so easily defined by many coaches, for some strange reason.  And yet, how can you set your sights on becoming a MasterFull Coach if you don’t know what that looks like?

Lesson #6: Seeing (And The Other Four) Is Believing – Yes, coaching is all about Awareness.  And either you know how to do it or don’t, you’re good at it, or you’re not.  But how do you grow your Awareness muscle?

Lesson #9: Who Are You? – Yeah.  It’s an important question.  Possibly more important than you realize.

Lesson #10: Curiosity Killed The Cat, But What Killed Curiosity? – This coaching skill is so easily prescribed as the “magic” fix for any coaching problem.  But it doesn’t work nearly as well as we think it does.

Lesson #13: Creating Confidence – The Secret Formula – When you have confidence in your coaching, you have deep trust, and you can go anywhere with your client.  The trick is knowing how to deepen and grow your confidence.

Lesson #14: The Better Business Of The Business. – You have your own relationship to Sales and Marketing, building your business and getting clients.  So let’s start shifting, deepening and growing those areas, too.

Lesson #17 (Day 80): Working With Your Top And Bottom – Let’s be honest, there’s stuff in your coaching you’re awesome at, and stuck you’re… not so awesome.  Get clear about it all so you can grow powerfully.

Lesson #18: What Is Your Coaching Connection? – There’s a simple and powerful truth: If you don’t have Connection, then coaching ceases to exist.  And you are losing it so much more than you realize.

And because you are a MASTERFULL ACCESS MONTHLY SUBSCRIBER, you get to access this whole 7+ month experience, free.

Just fill out the form to the right and you’ll be instantly subscribed and the lessons will start pouring in (along with clear instructions to get the best value and growth)

B) THE FPMC DIYOYOSSP- which stands for “The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching On Your Own Self Study”.

The Fast Pass course has been recorded and edited for maximum growth and learning (including special inserts that even those in the class didn’t get). And you can get the entire FPMC DIYOYOSSP course, all 12 recordings and lessons, for only $299.  Purchase today and you’ll receive them one at a time on a weekly basis, along with handouts and links to extra recordings.

Here are your topics and titles:

  1. How to BE when you’re DOing this program
  2. Revealing your MasterFull Coach
  3. Lying Tigers and Brains
  4. The three “B’s” of coaching
  5. On your mark, get set… GO!
  6. The long distance of sprinting
  7. The Coaching Game: Round One – What’s the Agenda?
  8. The Coaching Game: Round Two – What’s the Focus?
  9. The Coaching Game: Round Three – What’s the Element?
  10. Your Coaching Connection, Part 1 – When you don’t have connection, coaching does not exist.
  11. Your Coaching Connection, Part 2
  12. MY BAG – Revealing and harnessing the power of your own coaching agenda.

Each recording is approximately 90-100 minutes long.  A link to a new recording arrives in your mailbox once a week.

It’s easy to purchase and sign up.  In 24 hours you’ll get your first exciting lesson, “How to Be When You’re DOing this Program”

C) Get the FULL Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching EXPERIENCE.

EXCELlerate your path towards your MasterFull coaching and jump into the next live FPMC class and discover all the extra exciting and expanding experiences that are not included in the recording, plus work with other amazing coaches to support as you watch your coaching grow exponentially.
(Also 40 CCEUs, 7 Mentor Coaching hours and 6 bonus recordings are available.)  Visit  www.mastermycoaching.com  for more information and to register NOW!

Q: Can I get more than one of these options, or am I just duplicating?
A: Whatever works best for you.  I can promise that while each of these options are similar in their structure, they are quite different in content.  Of course they each can stand on their own as independent sources of powerful coach growing, but they also work powerfully together to deepen your coaching in incredible ways.  The 100-Day eChallenge covers extra angles and insights from the FPMC DIY recordings.  And the Recordings capture only a portion of the experience.  the Full FPMC class has expanded–containing even more deep learning and coach growing, plus you get the added benefit of all the handouts, bonus recordings, and the additional value generated by others in the class.
So why not get all three?
Q: Can I get CCEUs for this stuff?
A: You can get CCEUs joining in the Full Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching.  (40 total, 33 in the category of Core Competency)
Unfortunately CCEUs are not available for the email or recorded lessons.  But you still get powerful learning, at a portion of the cost.
Q: When can I join the next live class?
A: You can visit here for the up-to-date listing of the next exciting FPMC class dates and times.
Q: Do you ever do this stuff one-on-one?
A: By all means.  Please [contactform formname=”contact_form_958127231825622000″ email=”ben@bedo.org”] and let’s explore our possibilities and see what we can create together.
Q: Do you have anything to offer for free?
A: Oh yes, by all means.  I highly recommend signing up for my newsletter BeDo Bits and checking out the Coaching Skills Forum, as well as the “Ask Ben!” (Everything you ever wanted to know about coaching but were afraid to ask) series.  Not to mention all the other wonderful forms, recordings and resources found at the “More Goodies” section.
EXCELlerate your path towards your MasterFull coaching and jump into the next live FPMC class and discover all the extra exciting and expanding experiences that are not included in the recording, plus work with other amazing coaches to support as you watch your coaching grow exponentially.
(Also 40 CCEUs, 7 Mentor Coaching hours and 6 bonus recordings are available.)  Visit  www.mastermycoaching.com  for more information and to register NOW!

Q: Can I get more than one of these options, or am I just duplicating?
A: Whatever works best for you.  I can promise that while each of these options are similar in their structure, they are quite different in content.  Of course they each can stand on their own as independent sources of powerful coach growing, but they also work powerfully together to deepen your coaching in incredible ways.  The 100-Day eChallenge covers extra angles and insights from the FPMC DIY recordings.  And the Recordings capture only a portion of the experience.  the Full FPMC class has expanded–containing even more deep learning and coach growing, plus you get the added benefit of all the handouts, bonus recordings, and the additional value generated by others in the class.
So why not get all three?
Q: Can I get CCEUs for this stuff?
A: You can get CCEUs joining in the Full Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching.  (40 total, 33 in the category of Core Competency)
Unfortunately CCEUs are not available for the email or recorded lessons.  But you still get powerful learning, at a portion of the cost.
Q: When can I join the next live class?
A: You can visit here for the up-to-date listing of the next exciting FPMC class dates and times.
Q: Do you ever do this stuff one-on-one?
A: By all means.  Please [contactform formname=”contact_form_958127231825622000″ email=”ben@bedo.org”] and let’s explore our possibilities and see what we can create together.
Q: Do you have anything to offer for free?

A: Oh yes, by all means.  I highly re


C) Get the FULL Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching EXPERIENCE.

commend signing up for my newsletter BeDo Bits and checking out the Coaching Skills Forum, as well as the “Ask Ben!” (Everything you ever wanted to know about coaching but were afraid to ask) series.  Not to mention all the other wonderful forms, recordings and resources found at the “More Goodies” section.