- If you want a super taste of what the Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching is all about
- If you are curious as to what you are missing in your coaching.
- If you are ready to open up your coaching power in exciting ways
- If you are looking for unlimited powerful questions
- If you are hungry to explode your coaching
- If you are looking for a Master Coaching class that will truly inspire, expand, and explode your coaching…
Come to the next Monthly MasterFull Monday Webinar.
follow this link to register for this special eveNT
There are four, count ’em, FOUR different parts to this.
(Well, duh. Of course, I know you’re saying, It’s a QUADRANT. That’s what Quadrant means.)
So to clarify, this quadrant identifies and clarifies what exactly we do in our world of coaching.
Wait, let me back up. Of course you know what we do in coaching.
But this draws a line between basic (and good coaching) and MASTERFULL COACHING.
Ah, that’s different.
Not only that, but this model will unlock your coaching in exciting ways. You’ll begin to open up to unlimited possibilities in your coaching and in your client.
AND, you’ll be able to spot when you’ve slipped out of powerful MasterFull Coaching and are back into the basic coaching (not that there’s anything wrong with it, but you’ll catch it and then be able to redirect as needed.)
In other words, you WILL be a more powerful coach–in ways you didn’t know
So come and check it out.
I’ll see you there.
1.5 CCEUs are available, too.
(HINT: If you’re a GET GOOD STUFF free membership member, you can get a 10% discount by entering “IMWonderFull” in the discount code.
And if you’re a MASTERFULL ACCESS monthly subscriber, IT’s completely free
register through this page and get the whole thing for free with the special code that is in your Members only access pages.)
PLUS: YOU GET Access ALL the past MMM webinars that you might have missed. BONUS!!
Either way, I look forward to seeing you on the next amazing Monthly MasterFull Monday Webinar.
You Will discover something amazing.
Your clients will be amazed.
And check out all the amazing upcoming events over to the right to grow your coaching in incredible ways so you can BE the coach you are truly here to BE.
I’ll see you there.