Yes, I know this might sound generic, but it’s always a challenge to put something in the header that will get your attention without sounding sales’y or cheesy and an instant turn off.
I hope this one at least gets you to read this.
But I know that if you’re a coach, you’re wanting to bring your best to your clients.
You want to discover new ways to impact your clients and help them grow.
You want to be so solid and confident that you know you will be able to handle ANY client, with ANY problem, at ANY time.
So I want to invite you to join in an amazingly powerful experience.
The MasterFull Coaching Mentor Group.
“It has been a truly transformative experience to participate in the Masterful Coaching Group led by Ben Dooley.”
I don’t think there’s really anything else like this, that provides 4x the insight, 4x the learning and 4x the growth of regular mentor experiences.
(In fact, the coaches in the current round have loved it so much they requested to continue an extra month.)
Listen to and learn from 13 amazing coaching recordings.
Get feedback from 4 amazing coaches.
Additional Insights—each a master class in coaching.
You WILL discover amazing things about you and your coaching.
And what happens then?
- Well, your coaching gets stronger.
- Your clients get a deeper impact.
- You’re more confident about your coaching.
- Your business grows.
- You attract more clients.
Well, I’m sure you can see where this goes.
“This is one of the best investments I have made in my coach training.” – Lynn Schaber
And it all begins with joining the MCMG, beginning Wednesday, March 28 at 3:00 Central /4:00 Eastern and runs for 13 weeks.
Group size is limited to only 4.
CCEUs and Mentor coaching hours are available, so get ‘em now.
“I can’t emphasize this enough: work with Ben Dooley NOW. Thanks, Ben!”
If you have any questions, you can always contact me, I’m happy to answer. But this is one thing I know you’ll be glad you did.
-ben dooley, MCC
YOUR coaching confidence and success, made easy and fun.
“I BElieve that you are an amazing, powerful, and impacting coach!
I want to help you connect to that coach and unleash your coaching power and confidence to create your coaching success! “
CLICK HERE to schedule a complimentary BeDo Call!
Join the BeDo Confidence Coaching FACEBOOK page or the BeDo Coaching LINKEDIN Page or my BeDo Bits Newsletter for updates, news and info, insights, tips, tricks, and exciting powerful learning and discovery.