630-484-2336 ben@bedo.org

… CCEUs in order to renew your Credential by the end of the year?

Don’t worry.  Between the Fast Pass to MasterFull coaching teleclass” (www.mastermycoaching.com) and the Coaching Skills Forum (www.coachingskillsforum.com) I’ve got plenty of them to offer.  Contact me at Ben@bedo.org and we can explore what’s best for you.

… Mentor Coaching hours?

Not only do I do that (and really well) but I’ve got a brand new group starting up in October that will knock off all 10.  Call me at 630-484-2336 and I’ll tell you more.

… Deeper confidence?  Advanced training?  Reaching the next level?  

That’s my specialty.  But I can’t help you unless you go to www.bedo.org and check out all the many ways I can help.

The bottom line is, WHAT DO YOU NEED?  

I can help you.

My specialty and commitment is to help coaches grow confident, discover their deep and unshakable power, and create their success.

So if that’s what you want, give me a ring-a-ding-ding and I’ll be happy to explore options with you to help you get what you need.

But I need you to take that first step.  I’ll help you the rest of the way.

-ben dooley, MCC
THE Coaches Coach for Confidence, Power and Success.