When you get a testimonial that begins with, “I can’t emphasize this enough: work with Ben Dooley NOW.” that’s exciting.
But then when they follow with, “I decided to join Ben’s MasterFull Mentor Coaching Group as a way to refocus and I’m so glad I did!” then that’s even more wonderful.
And when it’s from a coach who has been a part of the MasterFull Mentor Coaching Group that I offer, then I know i’ve got something good and important–a solid program designed for coaches to discover their coaching in a whole new way with a format that is quite powerful, very insightful and inspirational, and extremely affordable.
A new group begins Tuesday, November 6 and space is limited to ONLY 4 coaches who are ready to discover their coaching awesomeness.
Is that you? (Gosh, I sure hope so.)
Come and check it out at http://bedo.org/masterfull-mentor-coaching-group
(10 Mentor coaching hours are available as well.)
And you’ll quickly see why this coach also said, “My clients have reported the difference in my coaching and how it’s helped them create breakthroughs they’re seeking!”
Now it’s your turn.