- Rock Your World
- Eccentric
- Laughing Out Loud
- Dangerous
- Take no Prisoners
- Game Changing
- You sure you want a piece of this?
What are these words all about? Well, if you were part of the Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching class, you would recognize that we use these words (and many others) to help identify that MasterFull coach that lies within.
So do any of these words resonate with you?
Perhaps even sometimes?
And if not these, what other words would fit?
Don’t worry, you don’t have to BE these words all the time, just some of the time. They’re a part of you that you get to access whenever you choose. And in the Fast Pass class we explore and discover powerful ways to connect to these awesome parts of you and bring them out Fully in your coaching.
Visit www.mastermycoaching.com for more information and to take advantage of a special offer.