On the 4th week of Classes my Fast Pass gave to me…
4 powerful coaching completions
3 fantastic coaching focuses
2 stages of deep learning
And 1 Confident and MasterFull coach
There are four, and only four, ways you can complete a coaching call powerfully. If you don’t, then you have instantly diluted all your wonderful work with your clients. It’s important for us as coaches to be responsible for the “echo” that we leave our clients with—those last moments. Otherwise, they will be less likely to stay connected to their discoveries, remember your acknowledgments, do the homework or continue exploring on their own—let alone be excited about the following session.
The “Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching” teleclass is a unique and powerful course that continues your coaching growth like no other work out there. 32 CCEUs, 7 Mentor Coaching hours, 1500 super packed minutes, and powerful tools, techniques and proven principles designed to unleash the powerful coach that you truly are. Valued at over $3500, this is the advanced coaching work that coaches are calling “Deeply inspiring”, “transformative” and “the best bang for the buck”
And now it’s your turn. Visit www.mastermycoaching.com to sign up for this course beginning January 22 or the following March class and you’ll begin to notice a different in your coaching right away with your welcome packet. As the weeks progress you’ll watch your confidence grow as you move faster towards truly becoming a Confident and MasterFull coach.
Your Coaching Will Never Be the Same