Yes, we’ve all heard the well used quote, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”
Or “Plan your work and work your plan” – Napoleon Hill
And how about, “A man, a plan, a canal panama”? All right. So perhaps it’s not so brilliant.
But then again, think about it. This is known as a palindrome, right? Which means if you reverse the letters, it will still read the same way–backwards or forwards.”
Now think about that metaphor. What if you don’t have a plan?
Would you say that your experience ends up being pretty much the same no matter which way you do it? You still end up with the same result.
All right, so now that I’ve got your attention, I recommend that you PLAN to listen to this recording of our last Coaching Skills Forum call, all about PLANNING.
This isn’t an instructional or basic call that walks you through the steps of PLANNING, nosireebob, (cause that would be the same as all those other calls). The PLAN of this call is to explore beyond what we know (and what we think we know) about this very powerful and critical part of our coaching.
So have a listen.
And then visit for all the upcoming dates and over 200 archived recordings you can access for free.
(although I don’t recommend you listen to these recordings backwards. It won’t make as much sense.)