Let’s face it, as much as we enjoy what we do, there are sometimes just those clients that we find to be a bit more of a challenge. Perhaps they hold different beliefs than we do, or maybe they have certain behaviors, or maybe we’re just tired of their habits.
But the moment we are unable to find something about the client that we enjoy, then the coaching will come to a screeching halt.
Don’t take my word for it, come to the next Coaching Skills Forum call and see if perhaps I’m wrong. After all, these calls are Forum generated, and ANYTHING can (and often does) happen.
And our next topic, “ENJOYING THE CLIENT IMMENSELY” is sure to be exciting.
Wednesday, April 25 at 2:00 Central/ 3:00 Eastern.
Just call 218-339-8524 PIN#: 2336# and be ready to explore the undiscovered country of your coaching.
The calls are free and CCEUs are available also.
visit www.mastermycoaching.com for more information and to access over 275 amazing archived calls.
Your coaching will never be the same.