A powerful design that reveals HOW and WHY coaching works (and why it’s not working… and what do to about it)
Hey Coach.
Yeah you.
Lemmie ask you something.
What’s the real difference between coaching and consulting? (Come to this call and discover.)
What is one of the most major critical problems that coaches get hooked on and stuck in their coaching? (Thin k you’re immune? Well, then come to this call and see if that’s really true.)
HOW and WHY does coaching actually work? You know, so you can rely and trust it implicitly? (This call is going to break it down for you in six easy steps.)
What kinds of questions work best with your client? And what kinds of questions does your client really need you to ask? (Oh yeah, here too. And I’ll give you a hint, it’s not so simple as “Powerful Questions”)
How can you access UNLIMITED powerful questions and never run dry in your coaching? (Yeah, you guessed it. This call will reveal all of that, too.)
How can you recover your coaching easily and powerfully when you get stuck, distracted, or things just don’t feel like they’re working? (Do I have to day it? Yup. It’s on this call.)
Is there a teleclass/webinar that will be a powerful experience for ALL coaches–regardless of how long you’ve been coaching, what type of coaching, where you got your training? (The answer is–as all of the others–a resounding YES! Wherever you are in your coaching journey, come on board and I’m confident you WILL get value.)
The Amazing ATEBAR Formula is a powerful design upon which you can build a bigger, taller, more powerful, more resilient, more adaptable, more versatile and much, much more impactful coaching.
And I’m presenting this Amazing Formula to the ICF-Michigan coaches on Thursday, July 18 at 12:00 Central/ 1:00 Eastern. And I am inviting you to come and join this Amazing 90 minute Webinar.
(SPECIAL OFFER FOR ONLY YOU: If you are not an ICF-Michigan member, then there will be a $20 fee. But if for any reason you don’t get tremendously more than your investment, I’ll give you a complementary Mentor/Coach session.
Yeah, the Amazing ATEBAR Formula for coaching is truly that Amazing.
Don’t take my word for it. Come and find out for yourself how your coaching will never be the same.