My first official post on this blog. It’s been a long time in development and I didn’t feel right about getting it going on a web page that really wasn’t developed and sustainable.
Well all that has changed. My new site (if you haven’t checked it out) is up and running and there’s lots of new things and plenty of old things that are now much easier to find.
And now, FINALLY, I can begin to create some fun, engaging, and helpful coach growing blog posts. If this is not for you, or you dont’ recall just how exactly you got on this list. No worries. I believe there is a way for you to unsubscribe.
However, if you are actually INTENTIONALLY here, and you’re interested in learning and growing and allowing me to support your coaching development, power, confidence and success. Then hang on, because we’re about to go.
This is where I’ll post little bits, and big bits. Pull out the archives from my newsletter. Toss in a few extras here and there and then some.
Also, I’ve created a new BeDo Coaching Facebook page
Once I figure out how to link the two together, then it’ll be a whole lot easier. Until then, you can choose one or the other.
More to come…