The coaches who were on last week’s Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching call discovered the First Focus in the A, B, C’s of coaching.
“What are the A. B. C’s?”
I’m glad you asked. Simply put, these are the three major focuses of our coaching—it’s what our clients are coming to us for. It’s what we do when “goal setting” doesn’t work, or when there’s something deeper we need to address. And having a clear focus in our coaching allows us to have sharper and clearer connection with our clients.
Think of it like a camera. Fuzzy focus makes for a fuzzy photo.
“Yeah, great. So what is the “A”?”
Well, the A stands for Aliveness.
“What does that mean?”
Basically, our clients typically come to us to discover fulfilling direction and a purposeful life. They want to wake up excited to start the day, go to bed feeling complete and end this life with no regrets. This first focus one hones in on our client’s “Aliveness”–how to recognize it, how to generate, how to discover, and how to use this tool powerfully
“Wow, that sounds neat.”
It really is. And we also go through a cool “conglomerate coaching exercise” to deepen and reveal all that great information.
“Awesome. So how can I be a part of this?”
I’m glad you asked. It’s part of the amazing and empowerful “Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching teleclass. The course that grows powerful and confident coaches.
This is where coaches discover the Artistry and Performance of coaching and there’s a new course beginning Tuesday February 6.
46 CCEUs, 7 Mentor coaching hours, and so much more.
Visit for more information. (And email me at to see how you can jump in on the First call as my guest for a Free Preview of the course. My gift to you.
What are you waiting for?
It’s time for you to jump into the really, really, really fast past
Your Coaching will never be the same!