“The fast pass to master coaching is a great way to get your CCEU’s if you are looking to renew your ICF coaching accreditation. Ben leads each session with a dynamic, fun and engaging spirit. It is obvious he is himself coaching from a masterful place.
The most beneficial aspect of the course for me was the continual but gentle encouragement to step into your most powerful coaching self and make this an everyday practice. It’s funny but one of the most significant gems I received from Ben’s coaching was actually a very simple method. I have used this in every single coaching session since! Highly recommended.” – Michelle Willmott
I am so honored to receive comments like this. It’s truly a privilege to help coaches like Michelle discover their deeper power and more solid confidence in their coaching.
Are you next? What might it be to take your coaching to the next level?
Find out on the next Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching class beginning Wednesday October 28 at 7:00 pm Central/ 8:00 pm eastern.
16 weeks.
40 CCEUs
Amazing advanced coaching found nowhere else.
One powerful, confident and successful coach found inside you.
(C heck out the first call “Revealing Your MasterFull Coach” as my guest. Simply send me an email and I’ll give you the call in number.)
What are you waiting for?
It’s time to jump into the Fast Pass
Your Coaching Will never be the same.