I’m so totally tickled at the latest testimonial I just received from a coach who went through the Fast Pass to MasterFull coaching teleclass back in the Spring.
“I wholeheartedly recommend The Fast Past to MasterFull Coaching with Ben Dooley, MCC, to others, especially to those who have coaching experience and believe there’s more to explore! Ben will take you on a full-speed-ahead ride to challenge you personally and as a coach on multiple levels. … The exercises were FUN, immediately applicable to my work with clients, built my confidence and expanded my perspective of what can be possible to keep the coaching relationship refreshed and meaningful. I have come away with a very substantial toolbox to use with clients. Sometimes it was like drinking from a fire hose – there was more to take in than I felt capacity for, but now that there’s been time for things to settle and seep in, I feel the nourishment and see the growth.”: – Lynne Johnson
Thank you Lynne. It’s my honor and pleasure to share what I have and help your coaching grow in exciting and amazing ways.
And it’s right in alignment with my overall commitment to grow coaches, grow the coaching profession, and to provide more value than was expected.
In other words, when you sign up for the Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching teleclass, you get a full FIREHOSE of coaching growth. (And ironically, it’s one that actually feeds your coaching fire in amazing ways.)
Visit www.mastermycoaching.com for more information and to lock yourself in today.