I thought this might grab your attention.
Although I could have just as easily used…
“Your Chicago Chapter needs your help”
How about,
“Attend the ICFMidwest Conference in June for FREE”
Or even better
“Want to work with me while doing something big, exciting, that contributes to the coaching community and brings tremendous value to hundreds of coaches just like you?”
There, did I get your attention?
Here’s the scoop. For three years, the ICF Midwestern Chapters have collaborated together to create an incredibly successful series of annual Coaching Conferences–each of them incredibly successful.
And our next one will be in June in Kansas City.
This conference is created entirely “Of the coaches, by the coaches and for the coaches” because it’s coaches just like you who have committed their time and volunteered their energy to help make this happen.
And we need your help. Not only do we have open committee positions still available, but the team leader of Sponsor Chair is available and needs to be filled immediately.
What is this position all about?
The Sponsor team is the one that handles all the individuals, companies, products and services that will be featured at the conference. This is what provides that extra bonus value to all those who attend. Not only that, but it also brings in a majority of our revenue so we can keep costs down for the coaches attending.
-There’s a weekly Steering committee call all team leaders attend to touch base and ask for any assistance or clarity or to brainstorm.
– It’s recommended having a weekly call with your team to keep the wheels moving and check in and work out any trouble spots, delegate, track progress and success, or generate new ideas and actions.
– Any other time commitment is up to you and your team.
- You already have a team who has done this before and know the system.
- You will also be a part of the Conference Steering committee and will receive the support from all the other team leaders.
- You will be able to engage one on one with some of the biggest contributors of the coaching industry.
- You will receive free admission to the 2015 conference.
- You will be recognized and acknowledged as a leader in your community.
- We already have a list of sponsors from previous years to draw from as well as another large list of potential ne sponsors and partners (not counting any new ones you and your team come up with)
- Your chapter is required to provide coaches on the teams so you will help them fulfill that as well (it’s up to you how you want to negotiate their undying gratitude).
- I will also serve as your direct advisor and support, so you can always turn to me.
- A tremendously rewarding experience.
As I said, we need to fill this role now so please contact our volunteer coordinator Kerry McRae at volunteer@icf-midwest.com or the conference chair Lynn Tumlinson at info@icf-midwest.com immediately to see how you can help be a part of this exciting event.
(And I promise, you’ll get so much more out of it than you would ever put in.)