630-484-2336 ben@bedo.org


How BeDo can come to YOU!

In working with coaches for over a 18 years, I’ve discovered many exciting and powerful tools, techniques, principles, insights and approaches.  Many of them have been incorporated into the incredibly powerful and exciting “Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching” teleclass. However, others have been developed into unique and engaging teleclasses, webinars and workshops–each one harnessing a deep and powerful approach to growing our coaches powerfully and sustainably, rather than just adding to the toolbox.

You see, each one focuses on the development of the coach like no other workshop or teleclass out there: sharpening skills, deepening awareness, and building powerful and unshakable confidence so that any coach can learn how to handle any client and any issue that’s brought to them.

All types of coaches at any level of experience will benefit from any of these workshops because they aren’t some new assessment or exercise or trick that applies to limited situations or clients. These workshops focus on the SCIENCE, ARTISTRY and PERFORMANCE of confident, solid and MasterFull coaching and the powerful skills that we all utilize in our practice.

I repeat: ALL coaches–regardless of training, styles, technique, niche, and level of experience–will benefit and grow from this work in exciting ways.  New coaches are able to build a more solid foundation in their development.  Intermediate Coaches get to add and expand upon their training, and seasoned experienced coaches will also discover something new and exciting.

Because these workshops tap into and expand powerful MasterFull coaching principles so that you can EXCELlerate your path towards your coaching Mastery.

Check em out.  Contact me if you have any questions.  And let’s schedule a time when I can share one (or more) of these with your coaches.

How to Find Your WOW, NOW!

This exciting approach may be simple at first glance, but complex and deep in it’s impact, and it has quickly become one of the most powerful sources for my coaching power and the hundreds of other coaches who have done this work.  Discover the five words that will truly EXPLODE your coaching… and completely change your life!

The Big C of Coaching

Balance, Recovery, Awareness, Commitment, Energy – The more you know, the more powerful you will grow.  This interactive and provocative conversation will challenge what you think you know and every coach will leave with a powerful insight that will impact their coaching immediately.

The Amazing ATEBAR formula

How and why does coaching work?  Where are your clients on the formula? (Hint: it’s at the wrong end). And where are you in your coaching?  (Hint: it should be on the other end). Create powerful and impressive results for your clients, it’s amazing just how easy it is.

Not only that, but you will have a resource for unlimited powerful questions, you’ll know exactly where you are in your coaching at any given moment, and whenever you get stuck, lost or derailed, you’ll ALWAYS have a way to get back in.

The Elements of Our Coaching 

Drawing from various models of coaching, there are 16 primary Elements that create our coaching. Not only that, but this simple and effective tool provides a process to strengthen and enhance any single coaching skill you may be struggling with. Learn how to be powerful with “powerful questions”, amazing at “articulation, and confident with “championing”.  And never get lost in your coaching again. EVER AGAIN.

Metaphors be with you

Everyone is different when it comes to metaphors.  Some coaches are Olympic Athletes, while others stumble on “Bambi legs.”  In this engaging and interactive Master Class, we will break apart the myths of metaphors like an egg, we’ll put it back together like a puzzle and wrap it in a whole new cover like a present so you can use it any time powerfully.

The 3-Step process to Confident Client Connection

It’s pretty simple.  If there’s no connection, then there ain’t no coaching.  It doesn’t exist.  That’s it.  Yet, most coaches are unaware of how often it happens and fall into one of the three deadly coaching myths.

Your Coaching is as easy as ABC

There are two major applications to coaching.  The first is helping the client set goals, create plans of action, and hold them accountable.  And then there’s everything else that happens when that doesn’t work, which tends to be about 90% of the time.  However, the ABCs of coaching make that other 90% easy and powerful.