It’s simple. About 95-99% of the issues and agendas that our clients bring us can be dealt with through one of three focuses –each one has its own structure, tools, approaches and outcomes and are identified as the A,B,C’s of coaching.
A= Aliveness
Our clients come to us seeking aliveness. Utilizing values, visioning, passions, desires, dreams and life purpose, this is where we identify what is fulfilling for our clients, what turns them on in their lives and what is preventing or stopping them from living full and satisfying lives. This focus is all about “what do you want” and creating a future that is fulfilling and alive.
B= Beliefs
Our beliefs support our actions which create results. If we are unhappy with the results, just changing the actions usually doesn’t work because our beliefs must support our actions. Using games, sports, celebrities, and stuff around the house, we discover new beliefs, truths and perspectives that the client can CHOOSE for themselves. With choice comes power and change. This focus shifts how we think and feel about what is “true” and “real” in our lives and reminds us that we have choice in every moment of our lives.
C= Clearly Seeing
What is there: issues and complaints persist but not enough to really take action. Our “comfort” level and habits take over and we justify and rationalize and we become numb to our discomfort and pain. By clearly seeing what is there, we’re removing the self-induced blinders and immersing our clients into their true experience. We are motivated by pain and pleasure to take action. Inspired by 12-step programs, 5-year-olds and our 4 parts of self, we clearly see the pain or pleasure so that our clients can begin to take powerful action. This focus is all about learning how to fully experience ALL that our life has to offer.
Coaches who attend this workshop will …
Discover a clearer understanding of the three coaching focuses and when to use them in your coaching.
Learn a rich clarification of how to use each of these focuses powerfully so that they always will have a clear focus in their coaching.
Watch their coaching confidence grow quickly, right before their eyes.
Really? Do you need more? Well, in that case, coaches will also gain insight as to some of the powerful tools that Master Level coaches use (usually unconsciously). They’ll have the upper hand because they’ll be able to consciously practice these tools to rapidly increase their coaching impact.
Half or Full Day Workshop
This material works best as an in-person half or full-day workshop.
I BElieve firmly that this foundational work is critical to all coaches who are looking to impact, strengthen and grow.
With deep connection, anything can be created with our clients, and that’s when masterful coaching can occur.