First off, I want to acknowledge all the hard work you’ve accomplished. Clearly you are committed to this profession and to developing your own mastery.
So where do you go from here?
Most likely you’re working toward your MCC credential. Won’t that be amazing? To be recognized as a Master Certified Coach. But how are you going to get there?
What do MasterFull Coaches know that you don’t?
How can you focus your coaching while honing and developing your skills beyond what your school taught you?
Where can you learn how to truly BE that MasterFull Coach with complete coaching confidence!
Let’s face it, there are precious little resources for the advanced coach to kick their coaching up a notch. Basically, you’re on your own. Sure, you might find a mentor or teleclass that can help, but you want a to learn powerful advanced coaching techniques.
You want to discover that amazing, incredible, super coach that lies within.
You want to sharpen your skills so that you can confidently handle anything that your clients toss at you—know where to go and what to do, every time.
You want to BE a MasterFull Coach.
You want “The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching”.
An exciting and engaging power-packed telecourse that takes you where your school left off. This unique and interactive 10 course process that gives you the tools to make the difference in your coaching and propel you from MCC level coaching to MasterFull MCC coaching (and even beyond.)
The new series begins Tuesday, April 18.
46 CCEUs
Learn in 5 months what it takes many coaches 10 years to discover. Click here for more and to reserve your spot NOW!
Your Coaching will never be the same