The Great Eight Core Competencies of MasterFull Coaching
Advanced Coaching Webinar and Training Series
Yes, I know. There are other Core Competency calls out there. This is nothing like them. This is an unparalleled 8-part Master class series that combines deep-dive/ advanced MCC level and beyond coach training / high-level interactive exploration of the new ICF Core Competencies. Each of the new ICF Core Competencies are highlighted, one at a time, and blended with highly advanced coaching tools, techniques, insights, and models that are excerpts from the ACSTH MasterFull YOU Advanced Coach Training Program revealing a depth and impact in our coaching beyond what most other Core Comp calls provide (CCEUs are definitely available.)
This powerful Advanced Master Class (for all trained and certified coaches) is waiting for you.
Friday November 1 at 1:00 pm Central/ 2:00 Eastern. (adjust for your own time zone)
Each call is a fully-packed 90 minutes (you don’t want to miss a moment)
We will run for 8 straight weeks and complete before the end of the year.
All Calls are recorded so you can catch up on what you missed.
12 CCEUS are available core all (CORE COMPETENCY for attending live, Self Study Credits for all missed calls)
All right. So don’t take my word for it. Here are some of the comments from coaches just like you who have jumped into this program and watched their coaching grow in amazing ways.
“The concept of true, equal partnership became evident in how Ben weaved the core competencies together and revealed aspects that I had not considered in my more than a decade of coaching experience. Very liberating and free to step into my masterful, one- of-a-kind Coaching as never before!” – Shendra Allen, MCC
“I was watching the coaches attending and they were spellbound! By every measure, Ben’s Great Eight series was a huge success. Now, all I have to do is to come up with a new reason to bring him back to the chapter next year!!!” – Wanda Campbell, PCC (ICF-Maryland President)
The work that we dove into for the past 8 weeks has been valuable to me as coach and sharing some of the tools of effective coaching with my client leaders continues to proved effective for them and their teams. I appreciate the opportunity to engage in this experience every week. Thank you! – Angela Jiggetts, ACC
How excited I’ve been to participate in these engaging and inspiring sessions that have provided enormous value to me as I continue to strengthen my coaching skills. The conversation during these 90-minute sessions has been both powerful and provocative.– Mary Ellen Waltemire, PCC (ICF-Maryland Past President)
“I really got a lot out of it—no matter how advanced you are, there is always something new to learn.”- Karen B. Kahn, EdD, PCC
“Ben offers a CORE Principle for coaching that helps ANY coach at ANY level of competence to leverage their growth to greater mastery. He believes in setting a foundation of mindset that evokes the greatness of the coach and the client.” – Fran Fisher, MCC
“…very interactive and inclusive versus a dry, monologue instruction. Other coaches would greatly benefit from his dynamic class.” – Karin Schultz, ACC
“Ben is a playful provocateur who has mastered the art of inspiring lively conversation and deep thinking. You can count on reexamining your knowledge and assumptions after a discussion led by Ben.” – Maria Arnone, MCC
Yeah, it’s that awesome. Coaches of all levels who attended were blown away, excited and hungry for more. The series met or exceeded their expectations, their coaching expanded and the coaches left with practical insights, concrete tools, recharged enthusiasm, and reaffirmed purpose from every single lesson.
If you're a coach, this is the "What's Next" for your coaching.
Yeah YOU.
Are you looking for CCEUS? Are you hungry to grow your coaching? Are you ready to shift quickly to the next step?
What you are about to discover is a whole new way of stepping into your ICF Core Competencies.
Yeah, I know there are other Core Comp calls out there (Heck, I actually started one of the first back in 2007 with the Chicago chapter)
This is an unparalleled 8-part Master class series that combines deep-dive / advanced MCC level and beyond coach training / high-level interactive exploration of the ICF Core Competencies. Each of the ICF Core Competencies are highlighted, one at a time, and blended with highly advanced coaching tools, techniques, insights, and models that are excerpts from the ICF recognized MCC/ LEVEL 3 “MasterFull YOU Advanced Coach Training Program” revealing a depth and impact in our coaching beyond what most other Core Comp calls provide (CCEUs are definitely available.)
- If you are an ACC coach this course will clarify and make learning (and accessing) the Core Competencies sooooooo much easier. (Yeah, I know. So many coaches wonder why other schools didn’t teach this. And my answer is, “I don’t know”. But you’re definitely going to get it now.)
- If you are a PCC coach you are going to love how this course quickly tightens, deepens, opens and shifts your coaching to even deeper levels (yeah, this is MCC level stuff that you can easily access and incorporate into your coaching.)
- If you are an MCC coach then you may feel like there’s nothing left to learn. You’ve seen it all. Well, get ready to discover sooooooooo much that you didn’t know that you didn’t know about your coaching. (And watch your coaching get a tremendous boost.)
There is so much packed into these calls that you can not and will not find anywhere else.
Not only do we explore each of the Core Competencies—one at a time—in deep exploration, we:
- Identify and deepen the Markers beyond PCC level (and even beyond MCC level).
- Reveal the TRUE CORE of our Core Competencies that will instantly access powerful coaching and empower your coaching tremendously.
- Solidify and access the Coaching Ethics easily and establish a triumphant value for your coaching
- Redesign your Coaching Mindset to something four times more powerfully that are indicated in the Core Competencies.
- Create powerful Partnering and Agreements and solid Agendas to make the coaching richer and more impacting on your clients
- Identify what really challenges trust and safety and discover how to create deep coaching flow
- Redesign FEAR and create powerful Presence that is more Valuable to your client
- Use the Four Realms to quadruple your Active Listening, and then multiply that four times over. (yeah, that’s 16 different listening focuses)
- Expand your Awareness five times with the Amazing ATEBAR Formula and never get lost or stuck in your coaching again.
- Complete your coaching in Four Powerful Ways to increase the impact and value and make your coaching sooooo much easier
If you're a chapter or organization bring this 8-PART MASTER CLASS WEBINAR SERIES to your coaches
You set the dates and times
You provide the Zoom hosting
You arrange for the CCEUs and offer your coaches 12 in the category of Core Competency
You charge your coaches whatever you want per session or for the whole series
I’ll provide the marketing material
I can customize and modify the program to accommodate your coaches and chapter needs and specific interests.
I’ll even stick around at the end to give your chapter a special extra 30 minutes of “Ask Ben Anything” time. It’s their chance to explore, learn and grow any part of their coaching with an MCC coach who specializes in growing MasterFull coaches.
AND I’m happy to provide an additional complementary webinar of your choosing at any time to add value and/or pump up the interest/attendance for the series.
EXTRA BONUS: If you’re a smaller chapter, you can partner with other chapters, share the work, create a more interactive community, help other coaches get great learning and value. More awesome for all.
So I know you’re asking, “This sounds fantastic. But how much does this cost?”
Let’s make this easy and do a simple 50/50 split based on the registrations. This way it all depends on how many coaches show up.
This also encourages me to help with the promotion (I would anyway)
And this also ensures that I will continually bring my best, provide an excellent experience for all coaches so they’ll come back, and also tell other coaches. (Well, again, I would do that anyway.)
If a large group attend, we both get large money. If a small group attends, we’ll get a little money.
- Help your coaches grow more powerful, confident and resourceful through the Core Competencies.
- Help your chapter grow, attract past members and create an additional stream of income for other exciting benefits to your chapter and coaches.
- You get to handle the transactions, you get to keep 50% of the profits, you get to design how to get this to your members however you want:
- Attract senior coaches and past members
- Provide powerful value for your entire coaching body
- Take advantage of deep and highly advanced coaching development
- Access the deeper power of the Core Competencies to enhance your coaches’ confidence and success.
Contact me directly for more information, bring any questions and together we can look at what dates will be best to bring this powerful Master Class series to your organization and coaches.
All right. So you haven’t yet registered because you want to know how much all of this is. Of course you want to know. And I want this to be so exciting that you’ll be an enthusiastic YES.
You should know, if you were doing this work with me one on one, it would easily cost you $1800 (or more)
But remember I just said I want to make this easy for you to take advantage of. I’m committed to helping coaches just like you discover what you didn’t know was missing in your coaching. I want you to grow stronger. I want you to become more skilled. I want you to BE more confident, powerful and successful.
So I want to GIVE you the WHOLE 8 CALLS for a massive group discounted rate of only $800
So are you a YES NOW? If so, then quickly grab the button and lock yourself in right now!
AininviOk, so apparently you haven’t clicked the button yet to register, because you’re looking for even more exciting and enticing invitation.
So how about this?
If you had already clicked the registration above, you might have noticed that there’s a difference in price. That’s right, SURPRISE! For this premiere launching, I want you to get everything you can out of this, so this link has a coupon attached that will automatically take 30% off (if you register BEFORE October 30) making the actual price only $560, or as low as 3 payments of $275.
PLUS A FREE MENTOR SESSION: I’m going to throw in a special BONUS one-on-one mentor call to use however you wish BEFORE the end of 2024.
ADD ON EVEN MORE MENTOR SESSIONS: with this one-time discounted add on offer of 4 sessions for the price of 3.
PLUS: You also have the invitation to join my special monthly membership subscription level PICK UP POWERFUL STUFF which offers you weekly exclusive high level MCC Secrets videos, points for even more CCEUS, and more, at a special 20% discounted offer for as long as you keep your membership.
So let me recap:
- powerful high-level advanced coach training,
- a free one-on-one Mentor Session
- ALL at a super discounted price?
- PLUS: options to add on MORE mentoring sessions at a discounted rate
- EXTRA BONUS: an invitation to join the PICK UP POWERFUL STUFF exclusive membership subscription
- SUPER SWEET GIFT: a special discount/offer to join the next FULL Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching LEVEL 3/ MCC/ Advanced Coach Training Program..
How can you NOT take advantage of this?
Well, here’s how you do it. By clicking this BIG BLUE BUTTON BELOW and locking yourself in this unparalleled advanced coach training while there’s still space. (this will never be offered at this price)