Coaching is not your Passion
I know, that’s probably a radical statement, but before you move off this page, hear me out.
You see, most of us have the misunderstanding that we’re passionate about something that we do. But it’s not that at all.
Here, let’s look at Mother Theresa as an example. We could all certainly agree that this was one passionate woman in what she did. But let’s look at it a little closer.
I don’t believe for one minute that if you asked her what her passion was, she would say, “My passion is sleeping on the hard dirt, surrounded by disease and poverty, and watching in pain and dying and being only able to help a small percentage of the greater population of suffering.”
And yet, that was her job, day to day—every day. That’s what she did.
And she did it WITH passion. That activity didn’t define her passion. It was her passion that fueled her, fed her, supported her in those actions. It was her passion that encouraged her to press on and persevere in those times of sorrow and hopelessness. It was her passion that opened her not to what she couldn’t do, but what she could do, what was possible. It was her passion that inspired others to follow her path.
That’s the power of passion.
So what was her passion?
We could guess her passion was about helping people in need. It was about spreading love and kindness to the places most devoid of it. It was about giving every ounce of her being to live true to God’s word of “love thy neighbor”. And I’m sure there was more involved.
So I go back to my earlier statement. Coaching is NOT your passion. Coaching is how your passion gets to be expressed. You get to fulfill your passion through the action of Coaching.
So now I ask you. What is your REAL passion?