Often when you get something in the mail, it’s either some sort of solicitation or marketing (as in when I am letting you know about upcoming events) or perhaps it’s some interesting information (as in the case of my BITS newsletters.)
However, this time it’s something different.
This time I’m inviting you to join me in
COACHING FOR A CAUSE: $20,160 by 2016
Last year I donated my coaching time to anyone who donated money to a charity in December-a way to give to the giver.
You can see the exciting results here at http://bedo.org/coaching-for-a-cause/coaching-for-a-cause-2015
Now it’s time to start up again. I’m not asking you to contribute to a charity to receive my coaching (the official announcement will come out early December), rather I am inviting you to join me in the cause.
Donate your coaching to those who donate to charity.
And let’s make this easy and fun.
You can use my webpage as a template. Either copy and paste (just be sure to change the important information) or you can write up your own stuff.
Additional suggestions and guidelines and FAQs if you have more questions are here.
All that I ask is that you let me know that you’re joining this quest so I can track the greater impact. I’ll want to know how may clients you’ve gotten, how many coaching hours your donating and how much money you’ve raised.
Last year I raised over $3100 of donations for various charities, offering over 50 hours of free coaching.
Together I believe we can raise $20,160 dollars before 2016.
And isn’t that a cause worth coaching for?
Come and join me.