I don’t know if I sent this out before, but I definitely should have. This was yet another amazing Coaching Skills Forum call that completely rocked!!!
All the coaches participating contributed such rich and amazing insights on this amazing aspect of our coaching.
Yes, I’m sure you’ve explored POWERFUL QUESTIONS in your coach training, and it’s everywhere–on calls, teleclasses and other forms of coach development. But trust me, just have a listen and you’ll discover something new to add to your coaching.
I have done these calls for over 10 years. I specialize on training coaches, I make it my business to know all there is to know about our coaching skills, and on this very call, I heard, not one, but TWO new things that totally blew my mind.
Check it out.
And then join us for the next amazing coaching skills forum call, Tuesday, June 14 at 10:00 am central.
Just call 218-339-8524 PIN: 2336# and be ready to jump in and play on one of the most powerful coach growing calls available.
You can learn more about the dates and access over 200 archived recordings at www.coachingskillsforum.com