Oh wow, what an exciting FPMC call today.
The coaches in today’s Fast Pass class got to experience a BRAND NEW lesson. It’s called “MY BAG”, and while I can’t give all the details, I can tell you what it stands for:
Mastering Your Big Agenda Game, and the impact was even bigger than I anticipated (remember this is a brand new lesson, so I wasn’t completely sure what to expect).
“This breaks it all down and brings it all home”, one coach said.
“It’s amazing how powerful this is,” said another.
Everyone was amazed.
I, myself, was even blown away with the learning, discovery, empowerment and deep awareness this simple, yet powerful, exercise created. In fact, we expanded
(And remember, you can only get MY BAG in the Fast Pass)
This particular class is coming to the end of the series, and each of the coaches have discovered incredible power and depth to their skills, and they’ve watched their Coaching Confidence expand and grow, and they now have an instant and reliable access to their amazing and MasterFull coaching.
There truly is nothing like it out there.
I want that for you, too.
The next found begins Wednesday July 16 and you have two times to choose from–either 9:00 am or 5:00 pm (central time)
visit The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching Page for more details and to lock your spot.
Come and join the Fast Pass First Call Free Preview as my guest.
That’s right. Just send me a quick email to ben@bedo.org and I’ll give you the number to call. (no obligation and powerful learning right off the bat.)
Of course, you won’t get to discover MY BAG, but you will discover YOUR MASTERFULL COACHING.
What are you waiting for?
It’s time for you to jump into the Fast Pass
Your Coaching Will Never Be the Same!