I’ll bet you’re wondering exactly what this whole Coaching Cruise is all about.
Of course you know it’s the world’s first of its kind. And it’s a full 7 day Caribbean cruise.
But it’s also packed with exciting coach growing work, designed to unlock your potential and power in amazing ways.
And it’s all about BALANCE.
Not just work/life balance that we coach on. Oh, no! There’s an incredible range and multiple levels of balance that not only create and support powerful and MasterFull coaching, but powerful living.
With this work your coaching will be deeper, more grounded, sharper, and… yes, I’ll dare say it… BALANCED
And it actually begins in two weeks with an open forum call for ALL coaches on Wednesday, June 25.
We’ll spend the entire hour exploring this incredible component of coaching.
- What does it really mean?
- How does it show up in our coaching?
- What makes it important?
- and so much more.
And the call is free for all coaches.
Visit the calendar post for more information.
But it’s pretty easy.