The traps and myths and misleadings we’ve gotten in our lives… and in our coach training.
I’ll be straight about this. There’s a constant collapse that goes on about BEing and DOing—one that creates a lot of problems in our coaching… and in our lives.
Tell me if you’ve ever heard this or something like it (and you might have even said this yourself): “I’m tired of DOing all the time. I just want to BE.” (sounds familiar, right?)
Problem: This collapses Being and DOing and considers them to be opposite experiences.
And that is completely wrong. Not only that, but it is tremendously limiting and it keeps our client in a victim mode. After all, it’s a complaint, and a complaint reveals an absence of power (or at least the perception of the absence of power).
Consider that you are ALWAYS DOing something—even when it’s taking a bubble bath, having a long quiet walk in the woods or simply vegging out for a while. You can’t NOT do. The real (and often unspoken) statement is “I’m tired of DOing these specific Actions, I just want to NOT DO them, or DO some other Action.
Does that make sense?
So you are ALWAYS DOING some sort of Action, and you are ALWAYS BEING something while you are DOing that action– in other words, you have a specific attitude, essence and mode about you, there are specific thoughts, emotions and beliefs that you hold while you are DOing that Action.
Ok, so now that we got that straight, I want you to know that this is established in the first five minutes of this specific FPMC lesson. What follows is so much more.
More MYTHS and TRAPS that come along with this BEing and DOing conversation, and more ways to explore, leverage and empower your client. Just from this one lesson. And we’re only in #3.
Not only that, but we also use this insight to deepen the BEing and DOing of the Coach (yeah, that’s right. You.)
Visit and see how “The Fast Pass to MasterFull Coaching” tackles deeply BOTH the BEing and the DOing of your coaching in incredible and profound ways.
Plus 48 CCEUs and Mentor coaching hours, too.
It’s time to BE the
coach you are truly here to BE
So you can DO the coaching you’re truly here to DO
It’s time to jump into the Fast Pass
Your Coaching will never be the same!