630-484-2336 ben@bedo.org

You may be saying to yourself, “Hey, what is this?  This BeDo guy is sending me an email post.  What’s that all about?”

Well, unbeknownst to me my messaging/blog setup on my website ceased to work.  Something got goobered up and every time I would send out a message, it would get stuck and you wouldn’t get it.

And as part of your BeDo MasterFull Membership, it’s my plan to send you little updates, videos, and special things from time to time.

Don’t worry, you won’t get blasted with lots of marketing and sales stuff.

Occasionally, i’ll let you know about a new class coming up, in case you’re ready to really explode your coaching, or to let you know about my various telecalls and webinars (most of the free) that you would love and will make a profound difference in your coaching.

But most of the time, i’m simply sharing with you the various things that are popping on the “members access” pages that you may not know about.

  • Special Newsletter and past blogs.
  • and other valuable treats to grow your coaching.

And occasionally I’ll invite you to join in to the “MASTERFULL ACCESS” paid subscription level which features high end exclusive stuff.

All in all, things will pop up from time to time, and it’s entirely up to you to open and read.

It’s all here to help you BE the coach you are truly here to BE.

And to start off, you may not know that i’ve been cranking out a whole mess of short 5-10 minute videos.

and they can all be found here at the BeDo VidBits Archive

But I wanted to share one with you that I did a couple weeks ago, timed for the New Year, but the lesson still applies NOW.


And so much more to come.